“Don’t overthink things”— it’s one piece of advice that (like its cousin, “just do it”) is patently unhelpful. If you tend toward overthinking (like I do) you probably don’t even know how to not overthink.* Because here’s the thing: That trait that other people call “overthinking”? In my mind, it’s just “thinking.” I mean, how can you not consider all the whys and wherefores when you’re making a decision? I’m being just a little flip. Absolutely, there are times when I engage in overthinking. And sometimes it’s gotten me into decision-making death spirals. But I think “overthinking” gets a bad wrap. Case in point: a few years ago on Facebook, someone posted the following:
I may have had a different reaction if I’d seen the meme today. But at the time, it got my hackles up. Way up. I felt unfairly chastised.
(I know, I know . . . when I feel chastised by a Facebook meme, that’s a me-problem.) But there’s a bigger issue here. Now, for sure, I get it. Sometimes my overthinking annoys the people I’m closest to. Sometimes it even annoys me. After all, how much thinking and discussion is really required to decide whether I want to go out for a mocha frappé with my husband this afternoon?** But this meme hit a big ol’ raw nerve. Not because there’s some truth to the meme. But because it’s not the whole truth. It’s not even a small part of the truth. (Okay, maybe I wouldn’t have had a different reaction if I’d first seen the post today.) Because here are the things I know:
In today’s society, we need more thinkers, not fewer. Our “overthinking” isn’t a burden. (Or at least, it isn’t always a burden.) It’s our superpower! Now it’s true that, like any superpower, overthinking can be a blessing or a curse. And someday I’ll write a post about how to stop overthinking the minutiae of life that doesn’t need to be overthought. But for today, consider this: Your tendency toward “overthinking” is not all bad. In fact, God created you to be an overthinker.
So ask yourself: How does my “overthinking” positively contribute to my life, and to the world? If you still have trouble seeing your thought processes as a blessing, pray for the Holy Spirit to walk with you this week and help you see this trait as God-given and positive, rather than a negative aspect of your personality Hugs & Blessings, * If you’re not an overthinker by nature, but you’re in close relationship with one, you’re likely stymied by the mental gymnastics that take place in that person’s mind on a regular basis. ** Some days, quite a bit more than it seems on the surface: Do I want to put that much sugar & caffeine into my body right now? How long is today’s must-do list and will an outing sacrifice some of those important tasks (or make me cranky and resentful if I don’t accomplish them)? Do I want to hang out with my husband? (Yes! The answer is |