The flavor begins to melt on your tongue as you bite off a small piece. Mmmm… It’s almost too rich, too sweet. As you savor the morsel, you...
Change Your Relationship with God
The One Thing You Need to Do to Make Your Prayer Life Flourish
Apr 2, 2018 | Change Your Relationship with God
To say “ivy blanketed the landscape” conjures the image of a manicured English garden. No, the summer I yanked the overgrown invader from my new...
5 Reasons You Don’t Want to Pray (and Why They’re Wrong)
Mar 2, 2018 | Change Your Relationship with God
Ever feel like you don't want to pray? How my students' behavior changed my mind about taking my problems to God in prayer. I open the classroom...
Why Prayer is the Answer — Even When You Don’t Want it to Be
Dec 4, 2017 | Change Your Relationship with God
Your heart lies exposed on the table between you. You’re glad you finally had a chance to share lunch — and life’s latest hard situation — with your...
Why “What Would Jesus Do?” Is the Wrong Question
Sep 11, 2017 | Change Your Relationship with God
I can’t make one more decision. My Friday errands threaten to overtake me as I drive from store to store. There should be combat pay for Decision...
Apr 27, 2014 | Change Your Relationship with God
Trust in God. Everyone says it. Including me. But I don’t know what it means. How can you trust when you don’t know what it means? There is a theory...
He is Jealous for Me
Apr 19, 2014 | Change Your Relationship with God
I sat across the table, a newborn at my breast, smiling my biggest smile and willing the tears to not break through. My husband had invited me to...
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