Do your thoughts ever hold you back from accomplishing your goals?
Then it might surprise you that what we think about what we do is actually more important than what we do.
Yep, mindset is everything.
But what is mindset, where does it come from, and can we change it?
Boy, do I have answers for you!
Recently, I chatted with Grace Church & James Sommers of Rise & Write with Grace & James, a vodcast for creators, collaborators, and fun company for the journey. And we spoke all about mindset.
Below are some of the highlights, but check out the whole episode—it’s a great conversation!
Topics we covered:
- Mindset (0:45) —
What is mindset? Can you really get different results just by changing your thoughts? How do domino actions work? - My upcoming e-book (4:24) —
7 Ways You Lie to Yourself: How it Hurts You & How to Stop - Stress (6:05) —
Why (almost) everything we’ve been told about stress is wrong; how to reframe stressful circumstances; making peace with disappointment; and good vs bad stress - None of us is immune from stress (8:32) —
But what question shifts how we experience stress? - Where mindset comes from (10:42) —
… and why it doesn’t matter. - Changing your brain’s pathways (13:15) —
How to think about your negative thoughts - Common mindset issues for creatives (16:03) —
5 Lies Writers & Speakers Believe About Themselves—And the Truth You Need to Know to Increase Your Confidence - The Real Reason Creatives Shouldn’t Hold Back (18:30) —
What might others think? - Morning Routines (20:42) —
My ideal routine and flexibility + how to recalibrate a day gone haywire - Stopping the spiral of negative thoughts (22:39) —
Techniques I use, and why fighting with your negative voice makes it shout even louder - Dealing with the “I’ll never” statements (26:36) —
(e.g., I’ll never lose weight) The importance of speaking truth to your brain and of being (genuinely) grateful - Toxic Positivity Toward Yourself (30:50) —
The line between positive mindset & toxic positivity + why I don’t like the concept of toxic positivity - Admitting Your Negative Emotions (33:19) —
Why it’s important to be honest about your fears, and how to keep them from taking over - Dealing with repetitive negative thoughts (38:17) —
How your brain can be like your kiddo; and dealing with those “I’ll never” statements - The biggest hurdle in coaching others’ about mindset (41:00) —
And how to use the creative process to help you deal with roadblocks - My most productive time of day (43:52) —
And the importance of flexibility - Touch base with me (45:00) —
I’d love to chat with you for a free clarity session.
What a great — and jam-packed— conversation!
Grace Church & James Sommers are writing partners, collaborators, and fun company for the journey. They’re a couple of East Coast kids now adulting in Los Angeles — balancing work and writing, creating and collaborating, and trying to keep things fun along the way — who love to talk with other creators about the tools and techniques they use day in and day out to get them creating, keep them collaborating, and ensure it stays fun along the way. Check out Rise & Write with Grace & James at, on YouTube, or on Facebook.