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You’ll find articles on how to change your negative thinking using Scripture and the science of how God made you.
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Are You an Overthinker? Here’s an Important New Way to Think About It
Poorly Drawn Lines by Reza Farazmand "Don't overthink things"— it's one piece of advice that (like its cousin, "just do it") is patently unhelpful. If you tend toward overthinking (like I do) you probably don't even know how to not overthink.* Because here's the thing: That trait that other people call "overthinking"? In my mind, it's just...

Hi, I’m Kendra
I help bright, successful over-thinkers change their negative thoughts using Scripture and the science of how God made you.
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What’s the Most Loving Thing You Can Do For Others? Be Honest With Yourself
There we sat, each frustrated over how the evening had turned out and neither of us understood why. In retrospect, it had started with a simple...
4 Ways to Live in Integrity . . . When It Feels Easier to Lie
You stifle your gag reflex as you take another bite. Why does this happen every year? Your mother-in-law’s not a bad cook. You love most of her...
How to Stop Worrying and Experience Perfect Peace
“Guess what?! I just bought a plane ticket to Japan!” Although my 21-year-old’s words didn’t shock me— he’d been talking about the prospect for...
Why You Can’t Avoid Your Negative Thoughts— What to Do Instead
“I get frustrated that I even think negative thoughts in the first place! My desire is that ALL my thoughts are pure, true, honorable and so on. But...
Be Transformed: Are You Misinterpreting This Verse?
When it comes to negative thinking, it’s easy to wield Bible verses like weapons. In fact, most Christian articles about dealing with negative...
6 Quick Actions to Take When Negative Thoughts Threaten Your Marriage
Welcome, Growing Home Together Podcast listeners! Click here for a transcript of the video Your afternoon was going well. The two of you were...
The Best Advice for When Your Worth is Tied to Someone Else’s Actions
My father was buried this week.That statement's not as loaded as it sounds. You see, we didn't know each other, my father and me.We'd spent time...
6 Barriers to Achieving Your Goals — Plus Easy Ways to Overcome Them
Wish it were easier to achieve your goals? Here are 6 barriers you didn't know were holding you back — and the quick mindset shifts to overcome...
Why Your Mindset Matters — And Lots of Ways to Change It
Do your thoughts ever hold you back from accomplishing your goals? Then it might surprise you that what we think about what we do is actually more...